Are you who you think you are?

Illustration by: DaZ Journal,  Copyright © 2018 ThinkingWoman?

First impressions never last. It’s true, but what makes people think we are a kind of person they think of? What makes us different anyway? How could we change how people think about us? The thing is, it is difficult to change how people think about us when they already had the impression of what we really are. Sad to say, most people judge a person by its cover, basically on how the person looks, or the way a person walks, dresses, talks, and eat. It’s basically a misconception on how every person is judged on first impressions.

But we can make a difference. Sometimes, it’s just by looking in the eye. Because what you see and how you feel reflects on your eyes. But the big question here is, are we really that kind of person that we think we are? Can we make a good impression on someone to make us think of the kind of person we want them to think us to be?

I was a silent girl on my younger days, and people judged me of being shy. I was actually shy as a kid, although I have tried to change that personality over years, I always still got the impressions of being shy from most people. These years, whenever I meet new people, I am not a shy person anymore, but as it turns out, people still judge me sometimes for being a shy one although I tell I am not. I think this personality from my younger years already reflected in my entire personality that I sometimes think to myself I maybe still am that kind of person. You see, I still have this kind of thinking that I couldn’t get rid of and so it reflects on my personality.

It takes a lot of effort to make an impression to someone of being someone you wanted others to see but it takes more effort to change that impression to someone. So try to examine yourself for a while and think, what kind of person are you really are? Remember, what you think you are is what you are. What you think of yourself is what others also see.

13 thoughts on “Are you who you think you are?

    1. Oh… it’s my first time for this, 🙏 thank you my dear, what an honor! 😃 Quite busy at the moment but as I’m on holiday I will try to answer the questions as fast soon as I can☺️ Happy Holidays…


  1. I was very extremely shy as a young girl but I cannot believe how I blossomed over the years to giving talks publicly, teaching workshops, and doing a lot of public things that I could not have ever dreamed I could or would be doing. So you never know what life has in store for you. I am still very comfortable in public forums even now as I am 77. When someone asks me to talk, I get right up and do it. I guess we come to a point in our lives when, like a fruit that is ripe, we are ready to go out and make our mark. It is not something we can learn from others. It just happens. Enjoy your own blossoming!

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